see something say something
see something say something

Emergency 9-1-1
Non-Emergency: (201) 330-2060

1203 Paterson Plank Rd
Secaucus, NJ 07094

Do not use this website for emergency assistance. Dial 9-1-1


Emergency 9-1-1
Non-Emergency: (201) 330-2060

1203 Paterson Plank Rd
Secaucus, NJ 07094

Do not use this website for emergency assistance. Dial 9-1-1

The Secaucus Police Department’s Traffic Bureau utilizes state of the art equipment such as speed laser/radar enforcement, electronic data mapping instruments and electronic speed and volume counters to continue improving the safety and effective flow of motor vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic on our public roadways. The Traffic Bureau is responsible for investigating motor vehicle crashes with the potential for serious bodily injury and/or death. Traffic crash analysis is conducted to identify the problem roadways and causes to help reduce the total number of crashes per year.

The Traffic Bureau handles complaints and performs traffic studies to identify roadway deficiencies and determine a possible solution to help increase the efficiency and safety of both public and private roadways. Street signs and lane markings are inspected to ensure compliance with the New Jersey State Department of Transportation regulations. The Traffic Bureau is responsible for parking enforcement throughout The Town of Secaucus.  Parking Enforcement Officers ensure that drivers are parking safely both on the roadway and on private property. 

The Traffic Bureau regulates, trains and evaluate the crossing guards for the Town of Secaucus to provide a safe passage for our school children.  School routes are routinely monitored to ensure that the crossing guard posts are safe and practical. 

Together with the Patrol Division, the Traffic Bureau’s main goal is to keep the roadways, parks and children safe and to reduce the number of serious crashes by providing education, engineering and enforcement within our community.


Traffic Bureau:
Lieutenant Peter Garass
[email protected]

Phone: (201) 809-4603

Location: Secaucus Police Annex
5000 Riverside Station Blvd, Floor 1


Monday - Friday
7:00am - 7:00pm

see something say something
see something say something